We are pleased to welcome you to our Optometry practice!
Things we can do for you
We do this
We are committed not only to help you see better with your vision but also look better with fashionable eyewear.
This will assist you to get started in situations where you wish to make contact with employers who may require the supply of eye protection and/or fabrication of…
Adèle Cowley Optometrists pride ourselves on the care of young eyes. Working closely with Tina Cowley Reading Center we comprehensively…
We supply all types of lenses, from single vision to tailor made varifocals. They are available in standard plastic, polycarbonate or glass right..
Why we do it
Adèle Cowley Optometrists is committed not only to help people see better with their vision but also look better with fashionable eyewear.
Reason one
A visit to our optometric practise can change someone’s life dramatically.
Reason two
We perform a comprehensive eye examination, we assess a individuals vision and provide prescriptions for spectacles and contact lenses.
Reason three
We diagnose, treat , and manage eye injuries, detect eye diseases and provide services and rehabilitation for some eye conditions through low vision instruments And vision therapy.